Over the years the parish council has put together many environmental projects. These include the eye-catching Welcome to Habergham Eaves signs which are sited on or near to our boundary.
June 2023
Pictured is the newly installed Butter Cross to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Designed by artist Shane Johnstone, the cross is a modern interpretation of an ancient marker which was used to indicate a thriving wayside trading place for dairy goods. The photo shows left to right, Ian Whalley, Neil Whalley (front), Shane Johnstone and Ivor Emo, who helped with the project.
March 2023
Visitors to Towneley Woods will be able to enjoy the beauty of the area even more now following the restoration.
Instigated by Habergham Eaves Parish Council, funding was sought from FCC Community Action Fund and Lancashire County Council to improve the access pathways and bridleways and the parish council paid to have signage and seating improved.
Pictured below is part of the renovation work to the pathways and a beautiful bench donated by the parish council for people to use and sit and enjoy the views.
The parish council marked the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee by planting a rowan tree in the Fairways Drive ginnel and Coun Pat Drain is pictured at the installation, which was carried out by Burnley Borough Council’s parks department.
The photograph below shows councillors at the newly created “triangle” area at The Summit, which includes a boundary sign and blue plaque marking the site of the Buttercross. The bench was provided to mark the Queen’s Golden Jubilee in 2012.
The council also planted a sea of poppy to mark the World War I commemorations and our lengthsman maintains an old stone trough in the parish.
The High Sheriff of Lancashire Catherine Penny presented the parish council with a certificate of recognition following the council’s work helping the needy during the March lockdown. Food parcels were delivered to the elderly in the area. Also a planter was placed near to the parish garden to cheer people up as they went on their daily exercise.
November 2020
In honour of those who have lost their lives in conflict, Habergham Eaves Parish Council chairman Mrs Pat Osbaldeston, laid a poppy wreath at the foot of a weeping willow planted in the parish garden by the council to remember anniversaries of battles past.